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In the English Language, a word becomes an exclamation when it is followed by an exclamation mark. This is slightly different in the kalabari language in that there are some words that are used solely as exclamations. See examples below:


In the English Language, a word becomes an exclamation when it is followed by an exclamation mark. This is slightly different in the kalabari language in that there are some words that are used solely as exclamations. See examples below:


1. okuroo!  /  okpaịn yo   =  This is an exclamation made when one is being irritated by another.



2.  The letters  ya can come behind an exclamation to emphasize it or give it a sence of urgency e.g

     fịị = ( eat!) :   fi ya ( please eat [ quickly!] )

     mẹnjị = ( walk!) : mẹnjị ya ( please walk [quicky!] )



3. The word wẹnị can come before the combinations above to give them further urgency e.g:    wẹn fi ya          wẹn boa            wẹn mẹnj ya



4. The broad letter e can also come behind a word to emphasize it. e.g.:

      bo = come!    boe = please come!      O boe  = You(plr) should come.   This is said as a SOS call or to summon a group of people.



5. The word din  ( with the 'n' nasalised) can come after a word to express a praiseful appreciation. e.g

     farị din = good playing!          sẹkị din = good dancing!        sun din = good singing!



6. yaa yoo : this is said by someone  who is frightened or  who is about to drop an item  accidentally.



7. yei! : this is said when someone is regretting for an action or for what  has befallen another person.



8. suei : this is said when one is exhausted or tired.


9. O : this letter can be placed after a negative verb to express caution, warning, strong disapproval

e.g  "Mu ma O =  (please make sure you) Don't go !         Fị ma O = (please make sure you) Don't eat!



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