Kalabari Bibi


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The Kalabari form (Kf) for Anagram is given as [Anagramu] and defined below:
[Anagramu] anịẹ  ẹkwẹn bbị te .
An anagram is a word that is derived from the re-arrangement of another word. Examples include : 
            guns   ----    sung
            nips    ----    pins
            worse ---    swore
            teams ---    mates,  etc.
In the Kalabari language, such words exist. The importance of this lesson will be clear when we start to write Kalabari Poems.
ike  [ hunchback ]  :  eki  [ to peel yam,plantain, etc ]
isam [ perewinkle ]  : sima [ spoil, damage ]
kapa [ clothing ]     paka [ to go out ]
loko loko [ prosperity ] :  kolo kolo [ to pick something up ]
mesi  [ fourty ]   :  sime  [ to stay ]
mapu  [ two persons ]    :  puma [ to slice boiled yam]
nomu [ madness ]   :  muno [ filth, dirt ]
obu [ dumbness ]   :    buo [ leg ]
owi [ rashness]  :  iwo [ ascension, newness ]
olobo [ concubine ]   :  obolo [ to paste ]
oson [ soap ]   :   sono  [ five ]
ofin  [ to sweep ]   :   foin [ swollen, float ]
poku  [ toilet ]   :   kopu  [ highest ebb]
siko [ hiccup ]  :  kosi [ ground, crushed ]