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The Kalabari form (Kf) for Verb is given as [Vabụ] and defined in Kalabari below:

anịẹ tombọ, nama anịanịa ye amịna oju kẹ mịyẹar' ye.
NB: Kalabari sentences always end in Verbs; there are, however, exceptions.

English Definitions Of A Verb

  • A word used to describe an action, state or occurrence
  • A word or phrase that tells what someone or something is, does or experiences.
  • A word which tells says or describes what happens or what is

Verbs are generally divided into:

(a)   Pure [or main] Verbs

(b)   Auxiliary [or helping] Verbs

(c)   Modal Verbs


Pure [or main] Verbs

These can be further divided into:

(i)   Acting verbs  e.g    eat, run, write

(ii)  Process verbs e.g   grow, mature

(iii)  Bodily sensation verbs e.g   ache, feel, hurt, love

(iv)   Transitional Events Verbs e.g   arrive, depart, come

        NB: with –ing, they become “inceptional”

(v)    Momentary Verbs e.g   jump, knock, kick 

       NB: with –ing, they become “repetitional” 


Infinitive form ►kunoma nyanawa b’ra

Imperative (affirmative) form ► bẹrẹtọn mịyẹ b’ra  e.g  do!

Imperative (negative) form  bẹrẹtọn mịyẹma b’ra e.g  do not! (or don’t!)


Present Tenses

Present Simple (affirmative) form  anị mịyẹ mịyẹ b’ra  e.g  do / does

Present Simple (negative) form ► anị mịyẹ mịyẹwa b’ra  e.g  do not / does not

Present Continuous (affirmative) form  anị mịyẹar’ b’ra  e.g  am, is, are

Present Continuous (neg) form anị mịyẹ wa b’ra  e.g  am not, is not, are not

Present Perfect (affirmative) form  mọkụ anị mịyẹ tẹ b’ra  e.g  has, have

Present Perfect (neg) form  mọkụ anị mụ mịyẹ wa b'ra  e.g  has not, have not


Past Tenses

Past Simple (affirmative) form  kiri ọkị tẹ b’ra  e.g  did

Past Simple (negative) form  mụ kiri ọkị ya b’ra  e.g  did not (or didn’t)

Past Continuous (affirmative) form  b’rọ tẹ sakị anị mịyẹar’ b’ra  e.g  was, were

Past Continuous (neg) form  b’rọ tẹ sakị anị mịyẹwa b’ra e.g  was not, were not

Past Perfect (affirmative) form  mịyẹ b’rọ tẹ b’ra  e.g  had

Past Perfect (negative) form  mụ mịyẹ b’rọ wa b’ra  e.g had not (or hadn’t)    




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 Verbs Continued (1)